Vitenskapelig publisering 2024

Vitenskapelig publiseringer av ansatte i Animalia 2024. 

Olsen A, Bonardi S, Barco L, Sandberg M, Langkabel N, Roasto M, Majewski M, Brugger B, Kautto AH, Blagojevic B, Cota JB, Nagel-Alne GE, Huneau A, Laukkanen-Ninios R, Lebouquin-Leneveu S, Alvseike O, Fredriksson-Ahomaa M, Vieira-Pinto M, Kaukonen E. A comparison of European surveillance programs for campylobacter in broilers. Food Control Volume 155. A comparison of European surveillance programs for Campylobacter in broilers - ScienceDirect

Kittelsen K, Vasdal G, Thøfner I, Tahamtani F. A walk through the broiler breeder life: how do footpad dermatitis and gait scores develop from rearing to slaughter? Avian Pathology.

Tahamtani FM, Kittelsen KE, Vasdal G. Qualitative feed restriction affects frustration, fear, motivation to explore, and feather fault bars in Ross 308 broiler breeder cockerels. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 106327.

Nagel-Alne GE, Røtterud OJ, Refsum T, Holthe J, Garner M, Skjerve E, Hauge SJ. Hygiene performance rating at farm level - an auditing scheme for evaluation of biosecurity measures’ effect on prevalence of Campylobacter from selected broiler producers. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica volume 66, Article number: 38. Hygiene performance rating at farm level - an auditing scheme for evaluation of biosecurity measures’ effect on prevalence of Campylobacter from selected broiler producers | Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica | Full Text 

Cota JB, Langkabel N, Barco L, Olsen A, Bonardi S, Vieira-Pinto M, Roasto M, Huneau-Salaün A, Sandberg M, Alvseike OA, Kautto AH, Blagojevic B, Majewski M, Laukkanen-Ninios R, Nagel-Alne GE, Le Bouquin-Leneveu S, Fredriksson-Ahomaa M, Kaukonen E. Comparison of european surveillance and control programs for Salmonella in broiler and Turkey chains

Gretarsson P, Søvik Å, Thøfner I, Moe RO, Toftaker I, Kittelsen K. Fracture morphology and ossification process of the keel bone in modern laying hens based on radiographic imaging. Plos one, 19(10).

Ahlén L, Holmøy IH, Sogstad ÅM, Jensen TK, Frosth S, Rosander A, Fjeldaas T. Bovine Digital Dermatitis: Treponema spp. on trimming equipment and chutes - effect of washing and disinfection - PubMed

Rømo G, Åkerstedt J, Nordstoga AB, Borge AJ, Wisløff H, Gjerset B, Klevar S, Valheim M, Mjømen IS, Schei-Berg E, Vatn S, Kampen AH. Investigation, management and control of a maedi outbreak in Norway in 2019-2020, Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 66.1: 28

Münch D, Zimmermann S, Gangsei LE, van Son M, Bjarnadottir SG, Sødring MS, Nagel-Alne GE, Brüggemann DA, Håseth TH, Alvseike O. Mutations with known links to pork quality defects in Norwegian and German pig populations. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A – Animal Science, 73 (3-4), 213-220.

Gangsei LE, Skjerdal T, Alvseike O, Kausrud K, Hauge SJ. Extension of the gamma concept to handle changing environment during shelf-life. Applied to an example with Listeria monocytogenes in salads with changing pH. Food Control, 110535, ISSN 0956-7135.

Suliga P, Schneider S, Gonzalez J, Egelandsdal B, Alvseike OA, Abie SM, Münch D. A new histopathology scoring protocol reveals myopathy features in PSE-like pork. Meat Science, vol 216.

de Medeiros Esper I, Gangsei LE, Cordova-Lopez LE, Romanov D, Bjørnstad PH, Alvseike O, From PJ, Mason A. 3D model based adaptive cutting system for the meat factory cell: Overcoming natural variability. Smart Agricultural Technology, 7.

Mason A, de Medeiros Esper I, Korostynska O, Cordova-Lopez LE, Romanov D, Pincekova M, Bjørnstad PH, Alvseike O, Popov A, Smolkin O, Manko M, Christensen LB, Takacs K, Haidegger T. RoBUTCHER: A Novel robotic meat factory cell platform.  The International Journal of Robotics Research. Vol 43, Issue 11.

Mason A, Christensen LB, Alvseike A. RoBUTCHER: plataformas robóticas inteligentes, robustas, flexibles y escalables para mataderos. Eurocarne: La revista internacional del sector cárnico 323: 38-48

Aae FH, Stokstad M, Myrmel M, Sørby R, Bergfeldt A, Ranheim B. Tremor tales: A cohort study of general and neurological signs in pigs with atypical porcine pestivirus-induced congenital tremor. The Veterinary Journal.