Food Safety

Animalia operates to ensure food safety throughout the food value chain, from enhanced veterinary competence for production animals in collaboration with farmers to research projects for hygienic interventions at slaughtering animals.

Animalia provides and implements measures to reduce the number of dirty animals to slaughterhouses. Animalia contributes to the production of safe meat and meat products through producing scientific outputs, providing consultancies, risk assessments, reviews, inspections, contribute in monitoring, control programs, development of national guidelines and provision of training to operators and management.

Research projects 


Hygiene Performance Rating for Slaughtering of Cattle, Sheep, and Pigs

The Hygiene Performance Rating (HPR) protocol is developed by Animalia, Norway. The unique auditing tool for assessment of slaughter hygiene has been used in Norwegian abattoirs for the last 15 years. The HPR evaluate and documents visually each operation on the slaughter line, assessing the factors that can affect the slaughter hygiene. It is based on systematic evaluation of general hygienic practices of each operation. The operators’ hygienic behaviour and risk handling of the carcasses along with routines and management, is assessed and the scores are punched into a web based application.

Photo: Animalia

ListWare Shelf Life Calculator

The shelf life calculator ListWare is a web program that calculates the shelf life of ready-to-eat products based on possible growth of the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. The software is designed for food companies producing ready-to-eat foods, i.e., products not heat-treated by consumers before consumption. This includes cold cuts, sausages, patties, meatballs, mayonnaise-based salads, and green salads. The software is user-friendly and accessible in Norwegian or English, and can be bought here.

Photo: Synøve Dreyer / Nortura

The Norwegian system for the exchange of food chain information (FCI)

The innovation project EyeAM – digital transformation of meat control has created an animation that shows the flow of food chain information in the meat value chain. The animation was made by Animalia in collaboration with NMBU Læringsverkstedet. The animation provides an overview of the systems for exchanging food chain information in Norway.

Photo: Animalia / NMBU Læringsverkstedet (screenshot)